World Photography Day with FujiFilm
Held at Fremont Studios on the edge of Seattle this was a great opportunity to get together with other photographers and creatives to share, learn and have fun. FujiFilm put on an awesome event that brought people together to talk, inspire and create. First off a big huge thank you to FujiFilm and Fremont Studios for putting on this event. While I don't shoot with Fuji the event was open to all camera brands. Awesome sauce! They've won me over, even if I don't own one of their cameras. They gave back to the creative community in a huge way. Now if only Canon, Sony and Nikon would follow suit and up the anti by putting on some great events here in the Pacific Northwest.
From start to finish you felt like you were at a friends party. Free meal ticket, free raffle ticket, free coffee/lattes, free FujiFilm camera rentals for the day, free happy hour, Free, Free, Free! They didn't ask anything from the creatives other than to come participate, explore and have fun. I met so many wonderful people and thanks to my Shoyoroll tshirt, connected with others from the small world of jiu jitsu that I am actively involved in.
While they had various stages with speakers throughout the day, I spent most of my time on the photo walks, even if I had to crash a couple of them. The opportunity was amazing and I wanted to take advantage of that. I've never had the experience to shoot models so I wanted to make sure I learned and got the most out of the day. Guided by experienced photographers, the walks brought us to various locations in Fremont to capture lighting, angles and learn various lighting tools/techniques of the trade.
It was a day to be inspired and motivated to learn, share and engage with so many other wonderful minds. From the beautiful models to the photography professionals who helped throughout the day and the other creative minds I got to meet up with, share stories with, this was one day to store in the books. Thanks to everyone who made the day truly special and memorable. Here's looking forward to the next fun filled event and adventure.
Just like in jiu jitsu, photography is a journey and a learning experience. The more you experience the more you can build upon and raise your skill level. As a creative my whole life I've had the amazing opportunity to go to school for Illustration and design. Built my 18 year professional career on being a web designer and developer. Now I enjoy being a Professor in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and photographing sports and live events. Always learning, this one is.
If you're interested in modeling or portrait shots go ahead and contact me.